Sunday, 23 February 2014

Get to know me Tag

Robyn  Did a tag and I thought I'd do one too, copied straight from her... beauty blog... this may get a little strange.
Anyway, shes cool and deserves a check, shes a master of makeup... whatever that means!

1.Do you have a middle name?
Its John, which makes me a DJ which is just wonderful!

2.What was your favorite class in school?
Does lunch count... if it does than I pick that! If not then Design Technology was alright I guess

3.What's your favorite drink?
Coca Cola... or Red Bull... tough, did this mean alcohol?

4.What's your favorite song at the moment?
Not a clue, my buddy played Oasis over the microphone on Xbox live so Rock n' Roll Star is in my head.

5.What would you name your children?

6.Do you participate in any Sports?
I played paintball and did tournaments and stuff in that, pretty cool when everyones shooting 11 balls a second at eachother! Do Fifa or Madden count too?

7.What's your favorite book?
Books... Old bear was good, lots of pictures!

8.What's your favorite colour?

9.What's your favorite animal?
Dogs are cool!

10.What's your favorite perfume?
Urm... My girlfriend ,Alice wears some perfume... so I choose hers!

11.What's your favorite holiday?
Christmas with the family!

12.Have you graduated from High school?
Yes. Miracles do happen

13.Have you been out of the country?
Been to Florida 3 times, Portugal a couple of times, France many times, Switzerland once and Monoco for the Grand Prix last year!

14.Do you speak any other languages?
Spanish a bit. Hola

15.Do you have any siblings?
Older bro and sis, I'm the young gun!

16.What's your favorite shop?
Does loot crate count? They are awesome

17.What's your favourite restaurant?
Viva Brazil, an all you can eat steakhouse in Liverpool! It is top

18.Do you like school?
I like home time and friends.

19.Who are some of your favourite Youtubers?
Roosterteeth are my most watched, I also watch NerdCubed, his editing is great and extremely funnny

20.Whats your favorite Movie?

21.What are some of your favorite TV shows?
Breaking Bad and Walking Dead right now. I also love a bit of Simpsons and family guy. Ok I also watch some of the old Pokemon now and again!

22.PC or Mac?
PC, gaming is easier

23.What phone do you have?
I need a new phone, my Samsung galazy S2 is showing its age horribly!

24.How tall are you?
Tall enough

25. Any pets?
A beauty of a golden Minature Labradoodle named Pebbles or Pebsy or Pebs or Pebsysaurus
depending on what shes doing

That was fun, your move internet! (try it and post the link)

Thanks for reading
Stay Awesome!
Twitter: @booboothy

Discuss in the comments below!

Previous Blog: Standby for Titanfall                                                            Next Blog: DLC Discussion

1 comment:

  1. Aw thanks for the link! I loved reading it, made me laugh lots :) yaaay.
